Saint Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Church
549 Randolph Avenue, Cape Charles, VA 23310
Contact Us
(757) 331-2040
550 Randolph Ave
Cape Charles, VA 23310
Mailing Address:
545 Randolph Ave
Cape Charles, VA 23310
Parish Office: (757) 331-2040
Office Manager: Marta Rose
Parish Council: 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 in Parish Hall
Bullet Meeting Minutes posted on the Bulletins page
Religious Education: September thru May, contact the office for more information
Baptism and Marriage: by appointment with Fr. Michael
Finance Council Chair: Bob Panek
Organist: Jeanne Roll; Alicia Brady
Music Coordinator: Michael Flanagan
Hospice Laison: Mauren Donovan (757-678-9019)
K of C: Meets 7:30 p.m. on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays in Parish Hall; website: