If you have an interest to serve in any of these ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Youth – Christian Education:
“Understanding that parents are the primary teachers of religious education to their children, it is the role of the Religious Education Youth Ministry to assist the parents in the teaching of the Catholic faith. We have the responsibility of preparing the children for receiving the Sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.
Some annual events:
- July: Teacher volunteer drive begins
- August: Student registration begins
- September: Classes begin
- May: First Communion services &
- Confirmation services
The Ecumenical Ministry coordinates joint worship services and activities with our faith communities within our parish boundaries. We sometimes also facilitate workshops to learn about other Faith traditions.
Some annual events:
March: Palm Sunday preparation
Good Friday: Stations in the Park
August: Sunday of Hope Drive
November: Assist with Helping Hands Food Drive
December: Assist with Helping Hands Food Drive
Helping Hands:
We assist where necessary and possible, all those in not only our Parish but also in our community by visiting them at their homes, providing communion if requested, providing rides to appointments or shopping or perhaps just a short walk or ride for a change of scenery.
This group provides, as requested, religious opportunity, friendship, companionship and transportation on a year round basis, to those in need of that assistance.
Parish Life:
This Ministry is responsible for coordinating the planning, decorating, preparation and clean up of Breslin Center for parish activities, funerals, and other events sponsored by the Church.
Events are hosted at Breslin Center, located directly behind the church, at 550 Tazewell Avenue in Cape Charles.
Migrant Ministry:
We assist the Migrant workers by visiting them at their camps during the season. We hold a Mass at the camps, distribute food, clothing and sundries to the workers and visit with them.
Parish Archivists
Archivists are responsible for maintaining the history of our parish following diocesan policies. This activity involves identifying, sorting, and filing pertinent material. This includes informational papers such as financial reports, property records and official correspondence as well as photographs and any other items deemed archival.
Facilities Administration:
This group is responsible for “the care and up keep of parish grounds and buildings.”
If you have an interest and/or background in this area and would like to assist in these activities, please contact the Parish Office.
“This ministry is responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating parish prayer and worship in accordance with diocesan policies and directives. The importance of liturgical celebrations requires that the pastor as well as other relevant persons participate in planning. Resources for parish worship ministry and personal prayer are available through the diocesan Office of Worship”.
Areas of responsibility:
- Altar servers
- Lectors
- Eucharist Ministers
- Greeters
- Ushers
Some annual and on-going activities include:
- Decorating church at Christmas & Easter
- Flower Donor List
- Ordering Votive Candles
- Funeral Planning
- October: Begin planning for Advent
- January: Begin planning for Lent/Easter
Centering Prayer Group meets 8:30 AM on Friday in Breslin Center. This is a group organize by individual parishioners.
This ministry is responsible for planning, and implementing fundraising activities. Funds raised suppliement offeratory funds, and to provide funds for special outreach programs.
The Fundraising Ministry is provided a budget to achieve, but may be asked to raise additional funds if there is unanticipated need in our parish community.
This ministry is responsible for planning and supporting the needs of the Hispanic population in our Parish.
Duties include recommending Hispanic Masses, translating materials in support of the needs of our Hispanic members, and recommending and coordinating additional support of the Hispanic community.
Knights of Columbus